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About River City Wellness

River City Wellness is a full-family health center that focuses on “kids first.” We offer pediatric, prenatal, and family chiropractic services and more to our community. Providing professional care, personally done, is one of our core values.

There is a quote from the University of Texas that says, “What happens in Austin… changes the world.” And we believe that in order to impact the greatest number of people with our principle of health, hope, and healing, we have to position ourselves as “the answer” for people.

Convenient Care for All

Established in 2018, we grew the practice through community events and health talks at local businesses, and by spreading the message of health, hope, and healing to anyone who would listen.

Located only 10-15 minutes from downtown Austin, we’re close to the action, but also far enough away where it feels a little less hectic than in the middle of the city.

Team standing at desk

Community Focused

Our South Austin community is a growing community of young families that want natural health solutions. We’ve found a huge need to help struggling parents deal with their kids’ issues—and their own.

Our team focuses on chiropractic and the nervous system, with INSiGHT® scans, and also offers more in-depth nutritional testing to find cellular dysfunction that may be fueling internal dysfunction and disease. From the minute people step through our doors, it’s a place they want to be.

Our Basic Principles of Care

  • Health is not about how you feel, but how your body heals and regulates itself back into balance
  • Your brain controls every bit of healing & function in your body
  • The brain communicates to every cell, tissue, and organ in your body through the nervous system, which is the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
  • Your spine surrounds and protects your brain, spinal cord, and nerves
  • Misalignments, or subluxations, cause interference in the proper functioning of those nerves
  • Chiropractors analyze the nervous system to detect & correct subluxations to promote optimal functioning of the body, thus promoting the full expression of health

See What the Buzz Is All About!

We’re here to help you and your family experience optimal health and wellness through chiropractic care. Schedule an appointment and discover how this holistic and natural method of care could make a difference for you. Call us today!


About River City Wellness | (737) 348-0141