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Meet Dr. Cody Capeloto

Inspired by Personal Experience

Dr. Cody Capeloto profile photoBorn and raised in Gainesville, FL, Dr. Cody Capeloto grew up watching his father take countless medications for diabetes, none of which improved his health. Instead, the medications led to more side effects, more prescriptions, and a decline into chronic illness. Over time, his dad lost important relationships, his marriage, and even his hope for living.

“Sadly, this isn’t just my father’s story—it happens to millions of Americans yearly. Chances are, you know someone with a similar experience. My passion is to help reignite that spark in those who have lost it so that they can reach their full, God-given potential.”

- Dr. Cody Capeloto


Education and Advanced Training

Dr. Cody earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Florida and his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic, considered one of the world’s top accredited chiropractic colleges.

Committed to delivering the highest quality care to patients, he pursued advanced training in spinal correction, detoxification, fitness, and nutrition from leading health clinics worldwide. With access to cutting-edge research and health protocols, he is among a select group of doctors certified in MaxLiving’s 5 Essentials® of health, ensuring patients receive comprehensive, science-backed care.

  • Core Chiropractic
  • Nutrition
  • Mindset
  • Oxygen and Exercise
  • Minimize Toxins
Using the 5 Essentials plan, Dr. Cody is passionate about helping patients achieve their health and wellness goals naturally.

Finding Fulfillment Helping Others

Just as Dr. Cody is committed to providing outstanding chiropractic care to his patients, he also has a desire to reach the underserved. He has participated in healthcare relief mission trips to the Dominican Republic, where he provided volunteer services. He has also expanded his language skills to better connect with diverse communities by learning Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

Maximize Your Health, Starting Today

You don’t have to settle for so-so health; instead, you deserve to feel and function great. Contact River City Wellness today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Cody!



Dr. Cody Capeloto | (737) 348-0141